First, a general principle:
regression to the mean. Few, if
any, therapies in critical care (or in medicine in general) confer a mortality
benefit this large. I refer the reader (again) to our study of delta inflation which tabulated over 30 critical care trials in the top 5
medical journals over 10 years and showed that few critical care trials show mortality
deltas (absolute mortality differences) greater than 10%. Almost
all those that do are later refuted.
Indeed it was our conclusion that searching for deltas greater than or
equal to 10% is akin to a fool's errand, so unlikely is the probability of
finding such a difference. Jimmy T.
Sylvester, my attending at JHH in late 2001 had already recognized this. When the now infamous sentinel trail of intensive insulin therapy (IIT) was published, we discussed it at our ICU
pre-rounds lecture and he said something like "Either these data are
faked, or this is revolutionary." We
now know that there was no revolution (although many ICUs continue to practice as if there had been one). He
could have just as easily said that this is an anomaly that will regress to the
mean, that there is inherent bias in this study, or that "trials stopped early for benefit...."
But in the case of the current prone positioning study, we may be smitten by the very small P-value, which means literally that "if the null hypothesis is true and there is in reality no mortality difference between prone and supine, the probability of finding a difference as large or larger than the result the authors found is less than 0.1%" - a very small probability indeed. So the difference is not only large, but statistically robust. Have we seen this before?
In 2001 the PROWESS trial of drotrecogin-alfa for severe sepsis was published showing that the agent conferred a 6.1% mortality benefit with
a P-value of 0.005 - a largish and statistically robust effect. As is well known (for now - this dialectic will soon be
forgotten), subsequent trials all failed to show benefit and manufacture of the
agent was discontinued. Thus, even a
largish benefit can (must?) be dismissed when other data fail to support it. So, let's inspect the other major trials of
prone positioning in ARDS over the last decade or so:
- The 2001 Gattinoni study of proning in ALI/ARDS showed a mortality difference at 10 days of 3.9% in favor of proning, but with a P-value of 0.41 (my calculation). Among the many critiques of the study were that the patients were not sick enough and were not proned for enough hours each day and for enough days.
- Guerin et al followed with a study published in JAMA in 2004 enrolling the broader and less restrictive group of patients with hypoxemic acute respiratory failure (of which ALI/ARDS is a subset). The mortality was 31.5% in the supine and 32.4% in the prone groups with a P-value of 0.77. Fail.
- If being less selective in your enrollment criteria doesn't work, you can always try to be more selective. In answer to the critiques of the Gattinoni study, namely that the patients weren't sick enough or proned for long enough, Mancebo et al reportedin 2006 a study of prolonged proning in severe ARDS. Intensive care unit mortality (the primary endpoint) was 43% in the prone group and 58% in the supine group. (I just realized that I cannot reproduce these numbers with the data reported. I get mortality to be 41.6% and 56.6% with a P-value of 0.08. There must be some adjustment somewhere that was not transparently reported in the Methods or the Results.) I remember being impressed by this study when it came out. There is a large and almost statistically significant benefit of proning in this study.
- In yet another response to the critiques and limitations of prior trials, Taccone et al (JAMA, 2009) reported the results of the Prone-Supine II (PSII) trial. In the overall cohort, mortality was 31% for prone and 32.8% for supine, P-value 0.72. Is anyone else seeing a pattern here? That's a rhetorical question, and the answer depends on who's answering it. The true-believers see the subset of patients with severe hypoxemia in Table 2 of the article where the mortality difference is in favor of prone by about 8% with a P-value of 0.31. The disinterested among us see the overall negative results in trial after trial after trial.
That is, until the current study.
As I said, the results are indeed impressive.
But I cannot look at this trial without peering through it to the stack of
reports that preceded it. So what's going
on beyond the possibilities of regression to the mean or a new panacea for
ARDS with twice the effect of low tidal volume ventilation?
These studies are all coming from Europe, specifically Italy, Spain, and France. One can't help but surmise that the European
respirologists have a bit of a fetish for the prone position. And, like so many other investigators, it is
possible that they are not disinterested scientists trying to falsify
hypotheses. They believe it works. They want it to work. And they will study it until they find that it works.
[Addendum 6/2/2013: Several trusted colleagues have commented that my supposition that sedation will be higher is unfounded. I agree. I wanted the post to focus on the evidence, but end with my summary position, namely that I will not immediately adopt this practice for routine care, and I used the sedation example as one reason why. The other major reasons are:
- There is no on-site intensivist during the full 24 hours in the ICUs in which I work. Proning and supining cannot therefore be intensivist supervised routinely, and ETT malposition incidents will be more disruptive. The ED physician will have to be called emergently to respond to any tube reposition needs.
- Our ICUs sometimes have a very low census (the reason for that would be a good post for the status iatrogenicus blog). Some nights there are only two nurses in the ICU. With those low staffing levels, it is simply not feasible to prone and supine a patient for nursing care and repositioning.
- Note the restrictive inclusion criteria in the current study: ARDS for less than 36 hours, PF ratio less than 150 on at least FiO2 0.6 and PEEP greater than or equal to 5, and these criteria had to be reconfirmed (that is met again) after 12-24 hours in the ICU. These patients are a mionority subset of the total ALI/ARDS cohort. In my practice, we will have perhaps a dozen patients per year that meet inclusion criteria.
- The exclusion criteria are available here for subscribers. Note that MAP less than 65, non-invasive ventilation for 24 hours prior to inclusion, chronic oxygen use, and various other criteria led to exclusion from enrollment. I mention this not only in relation to the bullet point above, but also because, if you believe the historical legacy of trials of prone positioning, and you believe that investigators have refined their inclusion and exclusion criteria to "hone in" on exactly which patients benefit and thusly finally got a positive result, then strict attention to inclusion/exclusion criteria is warranted, even more than in the usual case.
Finally, I worry that this is going to be a lot of work and a distraction in our ICUs from other important programs such as early mobility, and given my skepticism of this one positive study's results I just don't believe that a new program of routine prone positioning is warranted at this juncture. When I have a patient who remains severely hypoxemic, I will certainly consider this therapy. But mostly, I will continue to use it as I always have, as a "rescue therapy." I am not steadfast in this position and am certainly open to further debate - so feel free to comment below.]
[Addendum 6/7/2013: In this week's JAMA, Murad and Montori discuss the imperative to consider not just single studies in isolation, but the totality of the evidence, as I attempted to do above.]
[Addendum 6/7/2013: In this week's JAMA, Murad and Montori discuss the imperative to consider not just single studies in isolation, but the totality of the evidence, as I attempted to do above.]
Hi Scott
ReplyDeleteI disagree with your conclusion that this paper is not inline with previous publications.
This paper is consistent with a 2011 meta-analysis suggesting a mortality benefit for patients with severe ARDS (PF ratio <100), with an NNT of 11 (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3222033/). It makes sense that proning may benefit this group, but not less severe forms of ARDS.
Luciano Gattinoni recently commented at the CICM ASM 2013 that the NNT is likely inflated due to this study being performed during the influenza 'epidemic'. I doubt that the NNT is externally valid, but I think that proning is sufficiently safe, cheap and likely to be effective that we should be performing it on patients with PF ratios <100.
Chris - The 95% CI in the meta-analysis you referenced is 0.5-0.99 (P-value 0.048). That's just not a robust result. Note also that these studies are not and cannot be blinded, so differences in care are possible. It reminds me of the HACA studies, which are also statistically marginal, but also have a softer endpoint. And I would bet that if we did a really large multinational multicenter trial of hypothermia after cardiac arrest, that we would find that it doesn't work. That's just my guess, but it's a guess based on the experience of seeing Type 1 errors revealed time and again as trials are repeated. Especially in those that have other methodological shortcomings, marginal P-values, and effect sizes that are "too good to be true."
DeleteI just proned a person tonight....
DeleteI did too and saw dramatic improvements in oxygenation. PAtient had dense basal consolidations from ARDS!